Josiah Askew: 1800 United States Federal Census

Josiah Askew

The 4th line from the top is Josiah Askew, Sr.:

Josiah Askew, Sr. is recorded as living in Edgecombe, North Carolina. There are three free, white males in the home under the age of 10; two free, white males in the home ages 10 thru 15; one free, white male in the home between the ages of 16 thru 25; one free, white male in the home age 45 or over; one free, white female in the home between the ages of 16 thru 25; one free, white female in the home between the ages of 26 thru 44; and seven slaves (age and gender not specified).

Josiah Askew, Jr. was about 24 years old at the time of enumeration and was likely the one free, white male in between the ages of 16 thru 25.

In 10 years Josiah, Sr. acquired five more slaves.  Were they purchased, or born on his property?  Could two of them possibly be Lida’s parents?

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