George Askew: 1880 United States Federal Census

George Askew

District 486, Henry County, Georgia, Page #21, Lines 28-37

George Askew is listed as a mulatto male, 54 years of age, married to a mulatto female, 45 years of age, named Harriett (Berry) Askew.

There are eight children in the home ranging in ages from 26 to 7. George is a Farmer (likely sharecropping), and Harriett’s occupation is keeping house.

The eight children:  James – 24, William – 20, Frances – 18, Helen – 16, Emma M. – 14, Sally – 7, Bird (Bud) – 26, and William – 13

Did George and Harriett really have two sons named William, or could this be an error made by the census enumerator?

Based on James’ year of birth, it is highly likely that he is the three year old, unnamed, mulatto male on the 1860 slave schedule.  However, if that is indeed the case, where was Harriett?  Did she and George live on separate properties until the emancipation of slavery?  If so, it seems they got to see each other often as they had four children before Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

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